Development Quickstart Guide

This guide is intended to get you started on developing Visplay as quickly as possible.


Make sure that you have the following installed and available on your system’s PATH.

The following dependencies are required for all work on any part of Visplay.

  • Python 3.7 or greater (probably something like python3 in your package manager)

  • Pip 3 (probably something like python3-pip in your package manager)

  • youtube-dl (depends on your package manager)

If you plan to work on Visplay Server or Visplay Renderer, these additional dependencies are required.

  • libmpv and mpv (depends on your package manager)

  • qt5-qtwebengine-devel qt5-qtwebengine mingw64-qt5-qmake mingw32-qt5-qmake (depends on your package manager)

  • qhttpengine qhttpengine-devel


Fedora users must install the RPM Fusion Repos for MPV*

If you plan to work on the Configuration Generator, these additional dependencies are required:

  • nodejs and npm (to compile the frontend)


  1. Clone the repository and install the Python dependencies:

    $ git clone
    $ cd visplay
    $ pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt
  2. Install the appropriate additional requirements

    • Visplay Server and Visplay Renderer

      1. Install the dependencies:

        $ pip3 install -e . --user


        If you have already installed, add --update to the pip install command.

      2. Run visplay. It will prompt you to create the

        Default Configuration.

    • Visplay Configuration Generator

      Let NPM handle the installation:

      $ cd config-generator
      $ npm install

Running Visplay

  • Visplay Server and Visplay Renderer

    Run the visplay command.

  • Visplay Configuration Generator

    Run npm start from the config-generator directory.

  • Visplay Server Docker

    docker login
    docker run -p 8080:8080


By default, Visplay Server and Visplay Configuration Generator look in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, and $HOME/.config for visplay/visplay.yaml. This is the main local configuration and points to any number of assets.yaml files and playlists.yaml files (whether local or remote).

You can use the -c or --config parameters to choose what configuration file to use.

Default Configuration

To initialize the default configuration, run visplay without existing configuration files. It will ask you if you want to generate the default ones.

If you want to override your existing configuration, delete your existing configuration files and run visplay.


If you have any questions or want to suggest a change to this document, please submit an issue or MR to the GitLab repo.